4 Essential Things You Should Do For Your Dog’s Health



Whether you are a new pet parent or had yours for a long time, there’s nothing we won’t do to keep our adorable pets happy and healthy. It’s only natural that you want to take care of your dog the best way possible so he or she will be by your side for years. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to care for your dog, but I’m going to share these 4 must-do important tips for your puppy and dog’s health.

1. Dental Health

This may be the single most important but overlooked health routine. Oral health is more than just gum disease.

Most dog owners never take a good look inside their dog’s mouth and that’s unfortunate because it is estimated that over 80 percent have significant oral pathology. Regular dental exams will reveal other significant oral health problems such as tooth decay, fractured teeth or even worse, oral cancer. These are best treated when addressed as early as possible.

Here are the tips to keep your dog’s teeth clean and his gums healthy:

  • Start Young. Don’t wait until your pet is older and their mouth is diseased and painful to start with helpful home care routines.
  • Go Slow. When starting to brush the teeth, start initially with the front teeth only, then over time work to include the rest of the mouth. Make sure you are getting to the gum line with a soft-bristled brush on both the top and bottom.
  • Be consistent. Ideally, you should be brushing your dog’s teeth once daily! Get you and your loving dog into this routine.
  • Make it positive and fun. Follow brushing with praise, treats, or meal time to give a reward for behaving during brushing.

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2. Proper Grooming

Grooming needs can vary greatly depending on the breed of dog and even individual pets. Depending on the dog’s specific type of hair coat and environment, some dogs may require bathing and clipping more frequently than others, for example, many long-haired dogs are much more comfortable in the summer months with a haircut/grooming clip.

Bath your dog once or twice a month, depending on how dirty your dog gets and if he/she has skin issues. Don’t be afraid to wash your dog often! Dogs need a bath at least once a month. If grooming needs are neglected, this can lead to many problems, such as:

  • Matted hair, which is painful to the skin
  • Eye infections from overgrown facial hair trapping germs and traumatizing the eyes
  • Ear infections
  • Skin infections
  • Foxtails or other foreign bodies becoming trapped and penetrating the skin

Remember, proper grooming is essential to keeping your dog healthy.

3. Control Fleas

Considering how easily preventable fleas are as easy as giving your dog a chewy tablet or squirting liquid on his scruff, it is surprising how many dog owners opt to skip this important treatment. Many pet parents mistakenly think there is a “flea season,” but that depends on where you live your dog needs flea preventatives year-round if you live in warm, humid climates.

If people are trying to avoid putting chemicals on their pets, I recommend essential oil-based products as the first line of defense.


4. High-quality food

Just like us, a nutritious, balanced diet is essential to keeping your dog healthy. High-quality food can extend your dog’s life or help save him/her from debilitating diseases. When suppertime rolls around, there’s nothing like a healthy home-cooked meal. Cooking for your canine companion has many benefits, including fewer preservatives and additives, more varied and potentially better ingredients, and, of course, more interest for the canine palate and overall dog nutrition. If possible, avoid commercial food.

Benefits of homemade pet food:

  • You have complete control over the ingredient list and the ability to eliminate all additives and preservatives
  • You can pick just the right veggies for your pet’s particular needs, including those with higher antioxidant or medicinal properties
  • You can decide which meat sources to feed your pet, which is especially important if you have a dog with an allergy or reaction to certain types of protein
  • Fulfilling your dog’s vibrant, living food requirement
  • Providing nutrient-balanced, species-appropriate food that is rich in omega fatty acids and contains vitamin-mineral supplements in the correct proportions

Another benefit of switching to homemade is you can save money by buying large quantities of meats and vegetables when they are on sale. You can prepare, package, and freeze your homemade pet meals weeks or even months ahead of time.

Pet parents will do almost anything to make sure their little paw babies stay healthy. These 4 things of health help your dog live with more optimal health.